I enjoy a good text adventure now and then. Good to know my octo-core graphic wonderphone hasn't completely crippled my imagination. Congress wolf is fairly straightforward. That is, no major plot twists, shocking reveals, or red herrings. Yet, it is compelling enough (70%) to allow the story unfold at a leisurely pace. I've replayed it twice in an attempt to "break it" for more extreme gameplay. No go.
Political, and Supernatural...good and interesting.
Pretty good
I thought u guys had more respect for us than that. A true werewolf would never run for any kind of political office outside of the pack. Im very disappointed.
I understand that the makers of the game need to be paid, but seriously!? I can only play the first two chapters free!? I don't have a credit card, and I can't use one of my parents. So one of the only games that I can play by you is that dragon game. This SUCKS!
Well...it's pretty boring in all honesty. Theirs a few "action" moments. Character development seems spotty. Romance isn't necessary in my opinion because it doesn't really make sense when the resolves around politics. Funny enough my character seems to be pretty good as the campaign manager (even though they never done it) although at the same time I don't know the background all to well. Regardless of what politician you represent their the same. Not much replay value. Overall it's decent.
Loved it
I actually purchased this book. If you like politics and being a campaign manager with the twist of werewolves than this is the game for you. The writing and grammar is good, the plot is a bit of a bore. The game has a finance management aspect that I am not a huge fan of in these games. After reading this I felt their were some plot holes, the ending doesn't tie up all the loose ends. I don't want to give any spoilers out. Literally campaign manager simulation with werewolves rights mixed in.
I've loved all the games so far from you and was even more excited for this one! Until I read a line about the Congressman/woman's romantic partner. I thought he/she (depending who your playing) would be one of the relationship options? It sort of made it seem like that was possible, and would be a great addition if you ever updated it, please consider! Plus, checkpoints! A chapter index for easy replaying!
So it is a decent game. Kind of basic and if you have an ounce of good sense you can successfully "win" the election. It doesnt take much thought or management. It is also mildly biased with both Democrat candidates being "champion of the people" types and both Republicans being corrupt rich people. Which is funny considering most Democrats habe triple figure salaries BEFORE they ever run.